Sora’s Guide to Onboarding

Crafting an onboarding experience that not only says to your new hires, “We’re beyond happy to have you here,” but also gives your People Ops team and managers a foundation to build strong relationships with the newest additions to the team - is essential.

Whether you’re new to HR, looking to make changes to your current process, or are simply interested in what a good onboarding experience looks like, you’re in the right place.

Take a look around, share this with your colleagues, and start implementing. And if you need a refresher on any of the HR-related terms we use within, check out our Onboarding Dictionary.

This is Sora’s Guide to Onboarding.


As a pivotal part of the onboarding process, pre-boarding lays the foundation for how the rest of your new hire’s onboarding journey will unfold.



“69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for 3 years if they experience great onboarding.” - SHRM

Onboarding Dictionary

For a basic understanding of common terms and steps involved in a great onboarding process.

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Onboarding Dictionary

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