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Team introduction

Has your friend ever brought you to a get-together with people you’ve never met before and failed to introduce you to the group right away? There’s this awkward countdown that starts where everyone is wondering who in the group will break the ice - or you have to do it yourself. It makes everyone feel this unnecessary, suffocating pressure to get you in the mix.

At work, the same principle applies. You don’t want to leave your new hire in limbo on their first day. They’ll feel pressure to introduce themselves and if they end up doing it, it makes their hiring manager look bad. Just like that friend who forgot to introduce you to the group.

This is why writing and sending an introductory email and Slack message to your company on your new hire’s first day should be a staple in their hiring manager’s routine. Below, we’ll delve into the essential elements of an introductory message and give you an example of the one we use at Sora.

Message subject line

With internal emails, your subject line doesn’t have to be as striking as the ones in your marketing emails – employees will open it no matter what (or, they should). It can be as straightforward as, “Welcome (new hire’s preferred first name) to the team!”

Message body

There are four elements you should include in an introductory message:

  1. Greeting - welcome your new hire to the team and ask your colleagues to introduce themselves.
  2. Headshot - give your team a visual of your new hire, so they can put a face to the name.
  3. Short biography - cover basic things like position, team, and location – information that everyone at your company should know. 
  4. Fun facts - give your team a sense of who your new hire is as a person, not just a professional.

Your new hire’s hiring manager can also send a condensed version of the introductory email on Slack in the #general channel (mentioning the new hire).

Example introductory message

Subject: Welcome [Preferred First Name] to the team!


Welcome, [Preferred First Name]!

[Photo of new hire]

Team, please join me in welcoming [Preferred First Name] to Sora! Please find some time to introduce yourself and say hi 🤗

  • Name: [Preferred First Name] [Preferred Last Name]
  • Bio: Job Title, Team, City/State]

Here are some fun facts about [Preferred First Name]:

  • If you could only eat 3 things for the rest of your life, what would they be?
    [Tacos, oysters, and bell peppers]
  • If you could visit anywhere in the world you’ve never been, where would you go?
    [Amalfi Coast, Italy]
  • What game show or trivia category would you be awesome at?
    [Lines from a sitcom]
  • If you had to be conjoined twins with someone, who would it be?
    [Morgan Freeman]
  • What are your top 3 favorite things to do outside of work?
    [Run, garden, and try new breweries]

[Preferred First Name], we're so incredibly excited you've joined us. Hope you have an amazing first day!

[Manager Preferred First Name]|

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