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Welcome kit

Actions speak louder than words, especially when it comes to welcoming a new hire to your company. Sending them a personalized welcome kit shows that you’re genuinely excited to have them on board (and you’ve been preparing in advance). 

Here’s how you can build the ultimate welcome kit for your new hires. 

Laptop and other work equipment

The most important part of the welcome kit is the tools your new hires need to do their jobs - their laptop, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and any other types of equipment they need to take on the day.

Before their start date, make sure to send them a technology preferences survey that will collect their:

If your company offers a work-from-home stipend or a monthly desk budget, let your new hires know about it so they can build their workstation before their first day and feel completely prepared to start their new job. 

Swag that will get your new hires excited

Now the fun part of your welcome kit – company swag. Not only is swag a great gift to make your new hire feel appreciated, but it also adds utility to their work life. It's cool and useful. 

Here are six pieces of swag you can add to your welcome kit to get your new hires amped for their new job. 


Studies show that taking notes the old-fashioned way allows you to conceptualize information better than on a laptop. Notebooks are also ideal for writing out your thoughts and crystallizing your ideas. Notebooks that are your company’s brand colors and have your logo painted onto them also give your new hires a sense of pride.


Let your new hires show everyone at their local coffee shop who they work for by sending them stickers of your company logo. They can slap it right onto their laptop.  


New hires can take backpacks anywhere - work, cross-country trips, the gym - and they can show off their brand-new employer to everyone in sight.


As a functional and cool piece of clothing, a company hat can give your new hires a sense of pride and style. And, much like backpacks, they’re easy to wear wherever your new hires go.

Handwritten Card

Handwritten cards are a rarity nowadays. So getting one in a welcome kit is a pleasant surprise, especially when they express how excited your new hire’s manager, or even CEO, is for them to join the company. 

A bag of their favorite snack or candy

Having your favorite snack or candy to munch on can easily turn their first day of work into the best first day of work ever. Make sure to ask your new hires what their favorite snack or candy is beforehand (hint: survey).

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